We are deeply grateful to Bruce Brown, Stefano Frega, Michael Lorenz, Anne-Louise Luccarini, John Rice, Christopher J. Salmon, and Steven Whiting for their wide-ranging contributions to this project: for sharing ideas and research, reading and commenting on drafts, providing pointers to important primary sources, and answering innumerable questions. Their contributions to the project have been and continue to be fundamental and invaluable. DE would also especially like to thank Richard Mackey for his continuing enthusiastic interest and encouragement from the very earliest stages of the project. We are also grateful to Arizona State University and the University of Melbourne for access to library and digital resources.
In addition, we would like to thank: Bruce Brown, Stefano Frega, Michael Lorenz, Matteo Magarotto, Martin Nedbal, Anna Parkitna, Christopher J. Salmon, and Kris Steyaert for their outstanding work as guest contributors and collaborators; Ian Allan, Madeleine Angus, Geoffrey Chew, Birte Forssén, Andrea Lanza, Matteo Magarotto, Anna Parkitna, John Rice, and Kris Steyaert for translations; and Ivo Cerman, Paul Corneilson, Cliff Eisen, Michael Lorenz, Richard Mackey, Vivian Ramalingam, John Rice, Christopher J. Salmon, Sally Sargeant, Catherine Sprague, Kris Steyaert, and Steven Whiting for bringing particular Mozart documents to our attention. For a wide range of other help, including comments, error reports, answers to queries, and the provision of images and articles, we are grateful to: Thomas Aigner, Ted Albrecht, Ian Allan, John Arthur, Evan Baker, Laura Blanken, Armin Brinzing, Bruce Brown, David Buch, John Butt, Giacomo Fornari, Rebecca Harris-Warwick, Petra Hesse, Peter Keenan, Aleš Krbavčič, Michel Noiray, Janet K. Page, Harrison Powley, Henry Price, Giuseppe de Pobizer, Rupert Ridgewell, Lois Rosow, Thomas Schmid, Rita Steblin, Kris Steyaert, Andrea Tomezzoli, and Neal Zaslaw. We would also like to thank the staffs of the Moravská zemská knihovna (Brno), the Wienbibliothek (Vienna), the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna), the library of the University of Leipzig, and the British Library for their efficient and friendly assistance. Diana Perpich and Martin Knott of the University of Michigan provided invaluable technical advice at an early stage of this project.
We are grateful to Pablo Aguilera, Evan Baker, Kathryn Libin and the students of the Vassar Mozart seminar, Richard Mackey, Dennis Pajot, Julian Rushton, and an anonymous donor for their financial contributions, which have helped defray the costs of research, sources, and technology for this project, which receives no institutional financial support.