12 January 1786

La villanella rapita in Vienna

Gazzetta universale, vol. 13, no. 7, Tue, 24 Jan 1786

              VIENNA 12. Gennajo.                   

Gazzetta universale, 1786-01-24a (Hathi)

Seguita ad avere molto incontro
la nuova Opera il Burbero Benefico. e
sono applauditi fra gli altri la Signora
Storac [sic] e il Sig. Benucci. Questo non
è vero che abbia cantato nell’altra
Opera la Villanella Rapita, che me-
ritò l’universale aggradimento atte-
so il merito, e la bravura special-
mente della Sig. Coltellini, e dei Sigg.
Stefano Mandini, e Vincenzio Calvesi.
La Musica de essa è del Sig. Maestro
Bianchi di Cremona, eseguita tre anni
sono in Venezia, e solo ora arricchita
di un Terzetto, ed un Quartetto dal ce-
lebre Maestro Sig. Mozart.

Gazzetta universale, 1786-01-24b (Hathi)


                    G E R M A N Y
⁣               VIENNA 12 January

     The new opera Il burbero benefico
continues to have much success.
Among others, Signora Storac[e] and
Sign. Benucci receive applause. It is not
true that the latter sang in the other opera,
La villanella rapita, which deserved
universal acclaim because of the merit
and bravura of Signora Coltellini and
Signori Stefano Mandini and Vincenzo
Calvesi. The music of the opera is by
Sig. Maestro Bianchi of Cremona, performed
three years ago in Venice, and only now
enriched with a trio and quartet by the
famous Maestro Sig. Mozart.


La villanella rapita was first performed in Vienna on Fri, 25 Nov 1785, and by the time of this report, dated 12 Jan 1786, it had been performed four more times, on 30 Nov, and 7, 16, and 30 Dec. It was performed only three more times in this run, on 16 Jan 1786, and 6 and 17 Feb 1786. Martín y Soler’s Il burbero di buon cuore (= “il Burbero Benefico” in the report above) had its premiere in Vienna on 4 Jan 1786, and had been performed two more times by the date of this report, on 6 and 11 Jan. Nancy Storace and Francesco Benucci took the roles of Angelica and Ferramondo in that production.

The phrase “Questo non è vero che abbia cantato nell’altra Opera la Villanella Rapita” (“It is not true that the latter [Benucci] sang in the other opera, La villanella rapita”) corrects a mistake in an earlier report in Gazzetta universale that claimed Benucci had also sung in La villanella rapita (see our entry for 28 Nov 1785).

We are grateful to Matteo Magarotto for his translation of this item from Gazzetta universale.

Credit: DE

Author: Dexter Edge

Search Term: mozart

Categories: Biography, Reception

First Published: Thu, 12 Jun 2014

Updated: Sat, 20 Jan 2018

Print Citation:

Edge, Dexter. 2014. “La villanella rapita in Vienna (12 January 1786).” In: Mozart: New Documents, edited by Dexter Edge and David Black. First published 12 June 2014; updated 20 January 2018. https://www.mozartdocuments.org/documents/12-january-1786/

Web Citation:

Edge, Dexter. 2014. “La villanella rapita in Vienna (12 January 1786).” In: Mozart: New Documents, edited by Dexter Edge and David Black. First published 12 June 2014; updated 20 January 2018. [direct link]