25 November 1783

Porwanie z seraju (Die Entführung aus dem Serail) in Warsaw

Ludwik Bernacki, Teatr, Dramat i Muzyka za Stanisława Augusta. Vol. 1, Źródła i materjały (Lwów, 1925), 265. Transcribed from a subsequently destroyed poster

25. Wtorek. W anniwersarz koronacyi Najjaśniejszego Pana, przy odgłosie trąb,
kotłów, muzyki janczarskiej i illuminacyi całego teatru, pierwsza reprezentacya
opery wielkiej, nowej “Porwanie z seraju”, potem nigdy tu niewidziany, a wcale
nowo od p. Kurtza skomponowany balet heroiczny, w 4 aktach “Powrót Ulissesa
do Itaki”. Antrepryza teatralna spodziewa się, że te dwa kosztowne co do strojów,
dekoracyi i innych ozdób widowiska prześwietne publicum mile przyjąć raczy,
starania zaś ile możności dokładać będzie, aby jak najwspanialej wystawione być


On Tuesday, 25 November, on the anniversary of His Majesty’s coronation, the first
presentation of the great new work Porwanie z Seraju [Abduction from the Seraglio]
will be given, accompanied by the sound of trumpets, timpani, and janissary music,
with illumination of the whole theater, followed by the new ballet in four acts Powrót
Ulissesa do Itaki
[The Return of Ulysses to Ithaca] composed by Mr. Kurtz. The
entrepreneur expects that the costly costumes, decorations, and other embellishments
will please the audience, and he will make every effort to present the shows splendidly.

[translation by Anna Parkitna]


Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail was first performed in Warsaw on 8 May 1783, the name day of the Polish King Stanisław August Poniatowski (Stanisław II August, 1732–1798, reigned 1764–1795). The performance was given by a German theater company under the management of Prince Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski (1738–1811; pl.wikipedia); the company had formerly been led by Bartolomeo Constantini and two Italian partners, but their enterprise had collapsed at the end of the preceding theatrical season. Lubomirski retained Constantini’s actors, but his enterprise likewise broke down by the end of June, after which the company was dissolved. (On this performance and its context, see our entry for 8 May 1783.)

On 25 Nov 1783, the anniversary of the king’s coronation—Stanisław August had been elected and crowned in 1764—a Polish theater company under the direction of Wojciech Bogusławski (1757–1829) performed Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail in Polish translation under the title Porwanie z seraju. The only known documentation of the performance is Ludwik Bernacki’s transcription (given above) of a subsequently lost poster (Bernacki 1925, 265). The performance on 25 Nov 1783 is noted by Deutsch (Dokumente, 195), who gives no source and does not give the Polish title; Deutsch probably took the date from Loewenberg’s Annals of Opera, which likewise gives no source and omits the Polish title (see Loewenberg 1978, col. 1782).

Boguslawksi, Sonntag

Józef Sonntag, Woyciech Bogusławski, lithograph, ca. 1820

According to another lost notice transcribed by Bernacki, Porwanie z seraju was repeated on 4 Dec 1783, along with the ballet Mąż oszukany (The Deceived Husband):

Czwartek. Druga reprezentacya opery, z niemieckiego tłumaczonej, z muzyką p. Mozart “Porwanie z seraju”, w której to operze bardzo wiele poczynioinych jest odmian, potem balet “Mąż oszukany”. [Bernacki 1925, 265–66]
On Thursday, 4 [December], the second presentation of the opera translated from German, with music by Hr. Mozart, Porwanie z Seraju, in which numerous changes have been made, followed by the ballet Mąż oszukany.

The performances took place in Warsaw’s public theater, later known as the National Theater (Teatr Narodowy) on Krasiński Square (for a 1790 painting of the interior, see the Commentary to the entry for 8 May 1783). Nothing further is known about the production: no copy of the libretto is known to survive, and there is no known source documenting the cast. Although no reports on the reception of the production are known to survive, it may be that the production was not a success. At any rate, the notice for 4 Dec states that the opera would be given with “numerous changes,” perhaps suggesting that the company felt changes were necessary in response to the reception of the first performance. Bogusławski does not mention the production in his autobiography (Bogusławski 1820), which may imply that he thought it was better left forgotten.


Bilińska (1993, 11) mentions the performance on 25 Nov 1783, but incorrectly implies that the performance was in German.


Bernacki, Ludwik. 1925. Teatr, Dramat i Muzyka z Stanisława Augusta. Vol. 1, Źródła i materjały. Lwów [Lviv]: Wydawnictwo Zakładu Narodowego Imienia Ossolińskich.

Bilińska, Jolanta. 1993. “Die Rezeption von Mozarts Opernschaffen in Polen von 1783–1830.” Mozart-Jahrbuch 1992, 11–25. Kassel: Bärenreiter.

Bogusławski, Wojciech. 1820. Dzieje Teatru Narodowego na trzy części podzielone oraz wiadomość o życiu sławnych artystów [History of the National Theater in three parts and information about lives of famous artists]. Warsaw: Glücksberg.

Loewenberg, Alfred. 1978. Annals of Opera, 1597–1940. 3rd ed., revised and corrected. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield.

Parkitna, Anna. 2015. “Eighteenth-Century Warsaw Premieres of Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail and the Rise of German Opera.” Paper delivered at the 1st Transnational Opera Studies Conference, Bologna, 1 Jul 2015.

————. 2020. Opera in Warsaw, 1765–1830: Operatic Migration, Adaptation, and Reception in the Enlightenment. Ph. D. diss. Stony Brook University. [academia.edu]

Credit: Bernacki

Authors: Anna Parkitna, Dexter Edge

Search Term: NA

Categories: Reception

First Published: Thu, 3 Dec 2015

Updated: Sat, 19 Oct 2019

Print Citation:

Parkitna, Anna, and Dexter Edge. 2015. “Porwanie z seraju (Die Entführung aus dem Serail) in Warsaw (25 November 1783).” In: Mozart: New Documents, edited by Dexter Edge and David Black. First published 3 December 2015; updated 19 October 2019. https://www.mozartdocuments.org/documents/25-november-1783/

Web Citation:

Parkitna, Anna, and Dexter Edge. 2015. “Porwanie z seraju (Die Entführung aus dem Serail) in Warsaw (25 November 1783).” In: Mozart: New Documents, edited by Dexter Edge and David Black. First published 3 December 2015; updated 19 October 2019. [direct link]