Transfer to our new site is complete

We have now completed the year-long process of moving Mozart: New Documents to its new home:

This is now the canonical version of the site. If you have a website that links to our old site, please update your links to point to the new one. We will be taking the old site offline as soon as we complete the process of adding redirects for pages on the old site, almost certainly before the end of the year.

During the transfer we have not, in general, made substantive revisions to the commentaries, leaving these for a separate process. However, we have corrected numerous typos and small errors, and done some copy-editing. We have also checked every link on the site, updating these wherever necessary.

One entry from the old site, 14 Sep 1771, “Ascanio in Alba in Milan (addendum),” has been omitted, as it is a straight reprint of an article published in the Augpurgische Ordinari Postzeitung (Neue Folge, 19). A group of important new documents on Ascanio in Alba is currently in preparation, and should appear on our site soon.

Minor updates have been made to our entry for 18 May 1788 (“Figaro in Lübeck (spurious document”) to take into account the discussion of the illness of George III in the new biography by Andrew Roberts, The Last King of America: The Misunderstood Reign of George III (2022). We have also added English translations for original documents to several older entries that did not have them: 18 May 1788, 28 Oct 1789, 3 Nov 1790, 9 Feb 1791, 13 Feb 1791, 10 Oct 1791, 12 Oct 1791, 5 Dec 1791a, 5 Dec 1791b, 12 Dec 1791, 5 Mar 1792, 18 Mar 1792, and 23 Jun 1792. We are continuing to add missing translations, and the process should be completed within two to three months.

We welcome all corrections, comments, and suggestions; all corrections will be explicitly acknowledged.

All correspondence about the site should be directed to Dexter Edge,

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